Oh the places I've been...

Anyone who says that it's too late to change or they are too old to try something new; never met me! The second half of my life is when the real adventures began. I don't want to take anything away from the first half..especially my three daughters Rachel, Erica, and Alyssa, however the last few years are where I really started living! So this is where I begin, literally and figuratively with my stories and pictures.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Children will go where they want to go

I just returned from my first trip to Boulder,Colorado to see Erica in her new apartment. It is a beautiful place for sure..I understand the appeal. I'm just not happy that she and Rachel live so far away. This photo is from the top of the Flat Iron-ette in Boulder. We climbed up as far as I could for a first timer :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The last three weeks have been a wonderful journey between old and older..ruins and ziplining..adventures that make me feel 30 all over again! I am posting photos that meant the most to me from a photographic and anthropoligical perspective in the places I have been. I hope you enjoy them.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Venice at it's best

The Alps from 30k ft (airplane view) on our way to Venice

Sept 2011-October 2011

Just returned from a wonderful journey by cruise to the Mediterranean followed by an adventure with friends in Puerto Rico. Trying very hard to figure out how to post pics so that I can describe the places and thoughts I had in each place.